Create This! The Weekly Creative Theme

Each week, I post and tweet a theme -- a word or short phrase, nice and vague and random, meant to trigger a unique creative idea in your mind.

If you're looking for a little inspiration, all you need to do is check out the weekly theme, soak it in for a sec, and see what pops up. An image? A memory? A fantastic idea?

Once you have a concept in mind, draw it, sculpt it, write it, sing it, graph it, bake it, ponder it -- whatever you do. What really matters is that you create something. Draw on a post-it note, or paint on a giant canvas. Write a haiku, or compose an epic poem. Challenge yourself to create no matter what -- but if you have the inspiration and the time to keep going, do it! And if you want to create more during the week, reinterpret! Start over, switch mediums, consult a thesaurus....

Then share! Leave a comment about your response to the theme on the "create this!" post, or share it in the Create or Perish Flickr group.

Alright, what are you waiting for? Find the weekly theme and get creating!